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How to select the correct size of Visionaries clip on sunglasses

  • Go to the appropriate Visionaries collection and click on the shape that most closely resembles your glasses.
  • You will then see a product page showing photos and a description of the selected clip-on.
  • Scroll down that page and click the link called: "View Size Guide".
  • Measure the dimensions of your glasses in millimetres:
    • lens width, including the rims, measured half way up the lens
    • total width across the frame, measured half way up the lens, from the outer rim of the left lens to the outer rim of the right lens
    • height of a lens, including the rims, measured half way across the lens
  • Compare these measurements with those shown on the Size Guide.
    • Do not use the size guide as a printed template because it will print out at a slightly different size depending on which computer operating system you use
    • For rimmed clip-ons, the dimensions are given for the size of the tinted lens area, excluding the rims
    • For rimless clip-ons, the actual tinted lens area is as the dimensions shown plus 1 mm all round (equivalent to the rim width on the rimmed models)
  • Select the size of clip-on sunglasses that corresponds most closely with your frames. If in doubt, buy two sizes and return the one that does not fit for a refund.